What are you passionate about?
Is it your job? Your family? Painting? I've spent a lot of time thinking about what I'm passionate about, what I find joyful. Everyone has something they spend a fair amount of time thinking about and wishing they were doing. I'm passionate about my family, my son, my relationship with Christ, my friends, my country, photography, painting, and so many more things. Some things people may consider silly like; shopping for shoes, my favorite coffee creamer, my favorite candles, the way things are arranged on my desk...ok, maybe that's just my OCD but you understand what I'm trying to say.
How often do we get the chance to experience the things that we most enjoy? I know for me it's not nearly often enough. A lot of times it's our fault we don't take the time to enjoy the things that makes us happy. We work all day and when we get the time we would rather relax in front of the t.v. rather than doing those activities that bring a smile to our face and joy to our heart.(I know I'm guilty) Sometimes we find ourselves so busy with hundreds of different things we become overwhelmed. When we do slow down and have time to really think those things we are most passionate about will coming rushing back into our thoughts. Sometimes we sacrifice our time for the sake of work, money, and a title and forget about the things that really inspires us. Don't just forget about those things. Make an effort to put them back in your life by promising yourself that you are going to make an effort to do something you are passionate about once a week.
We should all do something everyday that brings us joy! Go out and find your joy & passion...I'm going out to take some photos!
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